

    Three Uniques™

    Growth Engine

    Stand Out From the Competition

    Get Your Three Uniques™ Right


    Choosing three things about your company that are unique is, in itself, a fairly easy task. Choosing three uniques™ about your company that are actually unique to you, aren’t also claimed by your competitors, and align with your target market is much more challenging. All three of these scenarios must be true if you want your uniques to matter, and because they will eventually inform your messaging, it is very important that they do. 
    Your three uniques™ can be used to create a very clear idea of your brand and should allow your customers to understand what it is you’re trying to achieve and how you’re doing it differently from your competitors. This is a good chance to show just how different your company is from all the others. 
    Consider, too, if you’re presenting your three uniques™ in a way that is going to make sense to your target market, and if what you’re choosing is important to them. Those factors will affect if your audience resonates with your brand.

    Your target market’s understanding of your three uniques™ is arguably the most important piece to consider when deciding on them. You just spent a lot of time getting to know your best clients. How did they talk about your brand? 
    From the language your target market is already using to discuss your product, you can create messaging that explains why your uniques make you different from your competitors in a way that will resonate.
    After choosing ideas that truly encapsulate your brand, you can then start to examine the way your competitors talk about themselves. Are the uniques you chose already used by the competition, or will your brand actually stand out? Look for ways to market your brand that will highlight the innovative ways your product solves market challenges. 



    Turn Your Three Uniques™ Into Compelling Messaging


    The way that you, your team, and your target market talk about your product and your brand feed into the way your company is perceived. Inconsistencies in the way that your team represents your company can lead to misunderstandings and confusion for your target market. While it can be tempting to talk up every aspect of the services you offer to make a sale, it’s often not worth it because creating implicit trust in your brand is crucial for the long term success of your business.

    The easiest way to ensure consistency in how your brand is perceived is to create a messaging plan that your entire team follows, which will attach a clearly recognizable identity to your brand. 

    Your messaging must also be engaging, compelling, and easily understood by your target market, while also creating a better understanding of what your company has set out to accomplish. Without clear messaging, the main points your clients should understand about your brand could easily be lost. 

    There are two main types of messaging: primary and secondary. Primary messaging is “what we want people to believe about us.” This part of your messaging can be derived from your three uniques™. Secondary messaging will expand your primary messaging and give it more depth. 
    This set of messaging will help your target market better understand your brand. You can use measurement results and data to give concrete evidence that your primary messaging and three uniques™ are true.
    Messaging is the meat of your marketing plan. Strong, informative messaging can really change the way people think about your company, so think carefully about what might be the right way to represent your brand. If your messaging is laden with industry jargon, your customers might miss your point. Instead, use language that your target market understands and already uses to talk about your product. 


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