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Random Acts of Marketing

Random Acts of Marketing (RAoM) are spontaneous, unplanned marketing activities that lack a strategic framework. Discover the secrets behind dramatic transformation and skyrocket your marketing results.


4 Convincing Arguments for Launching a Brand PR Campaign

The B2B world still has some catching up to do on the PR front, especially if it hopes to match the success enjoyed by consumer-facing retail brands. To that end, we present four convincing arguments for launching a brand-based PR campaign.


Three Benefits of Aligning Sales and Marketing Teams

Align Marketing and Sales to understand customers, focus your message, and identify opportunities.


How to Create an Effective B2B Brand Voice

For B2B companies, playing it safe with messaging can make it difficult to stand out from the competition. Combining personality with professionalism is the best way to make your message stick.


Outsource Your Marketing, Grow Your Business

You might have the best product or service in the world, but without excellent marketing you may never reach those who want and need what you’re offering. Many companies are discovering great success by opting to outsource this essential part of doing business.


5 Benefits of Account-Based Marketing

In an ever-evolving digital world, more B2B companies are realizing the benefits of account-based marketing—an approach in which the marketing and sales team collaborate to target high value accounts through personalized messaging and strategic engagement.


How To Bolster Your Brand To Attract and Retain Employees

The Great Resignation is on, and companies are competing for talent. Make sure your organization’s brand can attract and retain your ideal employees. Here are three elements to examine in your brand and three ways to bolster it to attract and retain talent.


What Are The Best Sales People Doing Today?

The coronavirus pandemic changed everything, including how business-to-business (B2B) salespeople approach their jobs. Despite the COVID-19 recession, some B2B salespeople have thrived. How have they done it? Paige Black spoke to some top sales pros to find out.


How To Use Podcasts To Boost Your B2B Business

Producing a podcast can elevate your company’s brand, differentiate you from competitors, and build your sales pipeline.


How to Market to Your Existing Clients

If you’re only marketing to your prospects, and not your customers, you’re leaving money on the table. Here are five tips for marketing to existing clients. 


Top 4 Marketing Challenges of Middle-Market Companies (and The Solutions)

How many of these challenges do you struggle to solve?


In-House Marketing Versus Outsourcing

Should you hire an internal team or outsource your marketing to an agency? There is no wrong answer. There are, however, some key considerations you should not miss.


Is Your Marketing Strategic or Is It Satisficing?

Are you making marketing decisions based on what is convenient in the moment? If you tend to make the easiest choice, you're probably getting low ROI.


Your Home is Now Part of Your Company Brand

Now that most companies have switched to remote working due to the pandemic, our home environment matters more now than ever. Find out why your home is now part of your company brand and how to improve it.


Your 2021 Marketing Plan Has Arrived

You've had plenty of trials in 2020, but it doesn't mean you can't thrive in 2021. Your sales and marketing efforts will be integral to your success going forward, so you must build a 2021 marketing plan if you haven't already. This blog and our webinar series will show you how.


Six Signs Your Messaging Sucks. And How To Rethink It

It was a tough year for everyone, but looking back—is it possible you weren’t getting the traction you wanted not just because of the pandemic but also because your content is not resonating with your audience? Here are six signs that your messaging sucks. And how to rethink it for 2021.


Content Marketing is a Brand’s Great Equalizer

For many brands, content marketing is a term that brings feelings of anxiety and inadequacy. If they’re engaged in the practice, they wonder if their campaign is good enough. How does it match up with others? Here’s a refreshing new take. Your content marketing, done correctly, can be your brand’s great equalizer.


The Two Marketing Tactics Needed to Beat Your Competition

There are two tactics that mega companies use to hook potential customers. Brands like Starbucks and Nike use these tactics to create campaigns that ignite unrivaled passion for and loyalty to their brands. These tactics are available to anyone. In this blog, we reveal the tactics the big brands use that you can too.


How to Generate More Leads in 8 Steps

How can I get more leads? It’s the number one question people ask us. It’s not surprising since leads are the ignition to your sales engine. Without generating business leads, you have little hope for steady revenues and growth. This month, we will lead you through eight steps of lead generation. 


How to Create a Marketing Plan

Tactics are the first thing that comes to mind when people think of creating a marketing plan for their business. Tactics are efforts like building a website, creating newsletters, and producing social media campaigns. They’re fun and action-oriented, so tactics are often where people start when marketing their business.


Make Brand Evangelists Your Brand’s New BFF

Has there ever been a product you couldn’t get enough of? Were you were blown away by its quality or the accompanying customer service? Were you so excited about it that you convinced friends to buy it? If you said ‘yes’ to any of the above, you might be a brand evangelist. 


5 Things To Do Right Now To Market Your Business Post-COVID19

You may not be operating at full speed right now, which makes it the perfect time to update your marketing efforts. Do these five things and you will have an easier time relaunching in the new business environment.


What’s the Right Message Post COVID-19?

There are three steps that will help you position your brand in this new marketplace more effectively so that you don’t say the wrong things and alienate yourself from your audience and damage your reputation.5 Things To Do Right Now To Market Your Business Post-COVID19


How To Maintain a Positive Mindset in the Midst of Chaos

We have an important choice to make right now. Right now, as we navigate these unknown floodwaters called “coronavirus pandemic,” we have to choose how we react. Will you be mired in fear, scarcity, and panic and make bad decisions? Or will you maintain “ruthless objectivity” and steer yourself and your loved ones into calm waters?


Email Marketing Best Practices 2020

According to the Direct Mail Association, email marketing averages a return of $32 for every $1 invested. That’s a big deal— clearly, email is an effective marketing tactic. Capitalize on this channel with our five email marketing best practices and make your message stand out in customers’ inboxes.


How To Create A LinkedIn Content Strategy

If you’re not using a LinkedIn content strategy to help you expand your network and build your business, you’re missing a huge marketing opportunity (and probably working too hard to get more leads). Here’s how to use LinkedIn to get in front of your target audience and bring in more leads. These steps can apply to any content distribution channel, but here we’ll focus on LinkedIn.


How To Create A Social Media Content Calendar

Organizing and scheduling your social media content can be chaotic or calming. It all depends on your approach. Here, we explain how to take control of your content calendar and plan it like a pro. 


Cost of Customer Acquisition: 3 Signs Your Customers Are Costing You Too Much

While you may look at the cost of customer acquisition as the money you spent to acquire new business, there is more to it than money spent. Read on to discover the true cost of customer acquisition and three sure signs that you have the wrong customers. 


How To Attract Your Ideal Client To Your Business

Customers keep you in business, but the wrong ones can take a toll on your business. Here, we outline how to attract your ideal client to your business so you can earn more and enjoy the process too.


What Happens When A Branding Agency Rebrands

The launch of our new company brand today marks the culmination of an 18-month process in which we got to take the advice we regularly dispense to clients when we are hired to brand or rebrand their organization.


Four Construction Marketing Secrets That Could Transform Your Business

This month we are focusing on construction marketing because we have noticed some opportunities that could be game-changers for companies in the residential and commercial construction fields. This includes all skilled labor trades from general contractors to electricians to plumbers to HVAC. 


Outsourced Marketing: Should I Contract A Marketing Agency Or Hire Direct Employees?
Five Things To Consider

Small and mid-sized businesses often struggle to determine whether they should hire an outsourced marketing firm or if they should hire employees to perform it all in-house. Here are five things to consider before deciding the best route for you.


Maybe Your Branding Isn’t Working: How To Perform a Brand Audit

Branding has become so much of a buzzword it’s teetering on the realm of cliché. Before it goes the way of marketing jargon like “best-in-breed” and “world-class,“ let me break down what branding really is. At its core, branding is the communication of your brand’s value. That’s as simple and as complicated as it is.


7 Cool Customer Appreciation Strategies

Here are seven ways to appreciate your customers. Show them you care and you'll keep them as loyal advocates for life.From surprise discounts to handwritten thank you notes, we take you through seven ways to wow and delight your best customers. 


How To Create A Content Marketing Strategy

Good content marketing doesn’t just happen because you write some white papers and make an infographic. There is more to it than that. To win raving fans who evangelize your brand, you have to start with a content marketing strategy.


Corporate Content Marketing Solutions And The Amazing History Of Content Marketing

Corporate content marketing solutions may sound very fancy, but it is nothing more than telling customers your story and giving them the information they need when they need it. And, hooray! In our digital age, there is no shortage of ways to tell customers your story. 


Add Strategy To Your Marketing for Higher ROI

Creating a marketing strategy is not easy, but it is worth the effort. It pays dividends in more successful campaigns that earn a higher ROI. But how do you formulate a sound marketing strategy? How do you know if your marketing strategy is right? 


How To Cultivate A Powerful CEO Mindset

In my years working with small businesses, I have never worked with a business owner that did not want to grow his business. However, some entrepreneurial mindsets are more conducive to growth than others. 


How To Develop A Positioning Statement For Small Businesses

Your positioning statement is an internal tool that infuses focus, direction, and power into your marketing. Done well, it ensures that you are in the right place, at the right time with the right offer. . . for the right clients.


Using Features And Benefits To Improve Your Marketing Messaging

Features and benefits have an enormous impact on both what we buy and what we are willing to pay. Why do some people pay more for organic coffee? It’s not how the beans were grown. As they pay more, people think about living longer.

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