

    Wedding Planner Case Study


    Wedding Planner Gains National Recognition And Higher Domain Authority

    This case study outlines the challenges faced by a luxury wedding planner, the media relations and SEO solutions Paige Black implemented, and the results that were achieved. 

    • Industry Background

      Event planning, and wedding planning in particular, are highly competitive fields. The low cost of entry, light regulations, and small amount of capital required to initiate a wedding planning business make it a relatively easy business to get into.

      Couple this with the trend that more couples are opting to plan their own weddings rather than hire a planner and the forecasted increase in revenue over all in the next five years and it’s the perfect storm for a highly competitive marketplace for wedding planners looking to establish or grow their business. (IBIS World Us Specialized Industry Reports: Wedding Planners)

    • Local Market Situation

      With just over 350 wedding planners in the Denver metro area, (weddingwire.com) the local marketplace is overwhelmed with providers all vying for the limited number of couples seeking wedding planning services. 

    • Challenge

      A wedding planning company needed to make themselves stand out in the Denver market. They wanted to improve their website’s search engine optimization (SEO) so that they could be found more often in online searches while also elevating their visibility and credibility. 

    • Solution

      Paige Black implemented a media relations effort for the wedding planning company. We positioned the wedding planner as an expert source for journalists who write for the nation's top wedding blogs and magazines.

    • Results

      Media PlacementsIn eight months, we achieved national recognition for the client in major online publications including: ◘ Brides◘ Bustle (4 times)◘ Creators (twice)◘ How Stuff Works◘ Newsday◘ Next Avenue◘ Postable◘ Real Simple

    • SEO Rankings

      Each media placement also earned a backlink to the event planners’ site. Because the placements were in top publications with high domain authority, the backlinks were particularly valuable to the site’s SEO. As a result, the wedding planner’s site jumped four points in domain authority in just eight months. 

    • Awards

      Additionally, the company owner won the Colorado’s Up-and-Coming Special Events Professional by Colorado Meetings and Events Magazine and she was also chosen as one of the Who’s Who of Professional Woman.

    • About Earned Media and SEO

      Consumers view stories in independent blogs, magazines, and newspapers as more trustworthy than advertising, so being quoted as an expert source or featured in such publications builds your company's credibility. Additionally, earned media also often comes with backlinks to your site that have SEO value. 
      In general, the higher the domain authority of the publication that is linking to your site, the more valuable the backlink. A backlink strategy is often part of SEO services.
      Want to know more about earned media and SEO for your company? Contact us to discuss your goals.